Happy Valentines Day! I really enjoy the look of sales but find using a cable needle tedious so an awesome alternative is a faux cable. Roundabout is a simple and easy to memorize (like most of my patterns) pattern that uses a faux cable technique that does
not require a cable needle.
This pattern is knitted on only the front of the sock but would be very easy to repeat across the entire leg. This pattern looks great in a solid, tonal, varigated, or speckled yarn! Happy Knitting!
All Knit Up Designs
400 yards fingering weight yarn (Angora Online used in sample)
Pattern uses Modified Eye of Partridge Heel Flap and Wedge Toe
K: knit
P: Purl
P2Tog: Purl two together
K2Tog: Knit two together
PSSO: Pass Slip Stitch Over
SL: Slip
SSK: Slip, slip, knit
SM: Slip marker
WYIF: With yarn in front
WYIB: With yarn in back
YO: Yarn Over
Cast on 60 Stitches. (Place a marker at the beginning of and the middle of the round)
Ribbing: *Purl 1, Knit 3, Purl 1* for 18 rounds
For your sock to look like the sample knit the stitch pattern across only the first 30 stitches of the sock.
Yarn over Cable
Round 1: * P1, SL1-K2-PSSO, P1; repeat from * (Please see abbreviations for PSSO explanation)
Round 2: * P1, K1, YO, K1, P1; repeat from *
Round 3 & 4: *P1, K3, P1; repeat from*
Repeat these four rows for your preferred leg length. (I repeated the pattern rows twelve times)
Starting heel flap. (You will be working flat on half of your stitches)
Turn work with wrong side facing, you will be working back across the last 30 stitches
Tip: I switch to using a DPN for the heel flap and turn when using a 9 inch circ
Row 1: Knit 3, Purl 27
Row 2: Purl 3 * Knit 1, slip 1 knitwise with yarn in back * repeat to last 3 stitches, knit 3
Row 3: Knit 3, purl across
Row 4: Purl 3, * Slip 1 knitwise with yarn in back, Knit 1 * repeat to last 3 stitches, knit 3
Repeat these 4 rows eight times total (You will have 16 Garter bumps along the edge)
Starting the heel turn
Row 1: Slip 1 purlwise wyif, P15, P2Tog, P1, turn
Row 2: Slip 1 knitwise wyib, k3, SSK, k1, turn

Row 3: Slip 1 pw wyif, P4, P2Tog, P1, turn
Row 4: Slip 1 kw wyib, K5, SSK, k1, turn
Row 5: Slip 1 pw wyif, P6, P2Tog, P1, turn
Row 6: Slip 1 kw wyib, K7, SSK , K1, turn
Row 7: Slip 1 pw wyif, P8, P2TOG, P1, turn
Row 8: Slip 1 kw wyib, K9, SSK, K1, turn
Row 9: Slip 1 pw wyif, P10, P2TOG, P1, turn
Row 10: Slip 1 kw wyib, K11, SSK, K1, turn
Row 11: Slip 1 pw wyif, P12, P2TOG, P1, turn
Row 12: Slip 1 kw wyib, K13, SSK, K1, turn
Row 13: Slip 1 pw wyif, P14, P2TOG, turn
Row 14: Slip 1 kw wyib, K 14, SSK
(You should have closed all ‘gaps’ and have 16 stitches from the heel flap and turn)
Now you will pick up and knit 16 stitches along the heel flap (one stitch for every garter bump)
Once you’ve picked up the first side of the gusset, pick up one extra stitch in between the gusset and top of the foot (This helps close up any small hole between gusset and foot)
Tip: Stitches picked up between gusset & foot should be knit through the back loop.
Place marker A after picking up and knitting the stitch between gusset and foot
Work pattern across top of foot, place marker B.
Now pick up and knit one extra stitch between the top of the foot and the next side of the gusset, pick up and knit 16 garter bumps from heel flap. (You now have 80 stitches on your needles, 30 from marker A to B, 50 from marker B to A)
Knit one round plain (no increasing/decreasing, follow pattern at top of the foot)
After knitting this round, stop three stitches before marker A
Round 1: K2TOG, K 1, sm, work in pattern to next marker, sm, K 1, SSK, Knit to marker A
Round 2: SM A, work in pattern to next marker, sm B, knit to three stitches before marker A
Repeat these two rounds until you have 30 stitches left between marker B and A
Continue working in pattern across top of foot and knitting along the bottom until foot length measures 1.5 inches less than desired length.
Start toe decreases three stitches before marker A (When knitting in the round becomes uncomfortable, switch to Double Point Needles)
Round 1: K2TOG, K1, sm, K1, SSK, knit to three stitches before next marker, K2TOG, K1, sm, K1, SSK, Knit to marker A
Round 2: Knit entire round
Repeat these two rounds until sock measures length of foot. (Stitch count will be determined by the length of your toe box.)
Complete the sock with a kitchener stitch. (Here is a tutorial link)